Peter Haigh


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'April 92'

'April 92'


Peter Haigh was born 1914, near Huddersfield, Yorkshire.  He trained as a textile sample dyer 1931-32, and during the 1930s travelled the whole of England, drawing, painting and writing.  1939 volunteered to serve in World War II, where upon his army war service was mainly in the Far East.
After the war he studied briefly in 1946 at Heatherleys School of Art under Ian Macnab followed 1947-50, studing at Goldsmith's School of Art, where he met his future wife; Patricia Taylor.
1952-53 he was financed by an art collector whom was a director of Shell, to go abroad and paint in Sanary-Sur-Mer on the French Rivera. In 1957 Haigh started to work at Savage Framers and proceeded in 1960 to open up his own framing and gilding business in Fulham.  In 1979 he retired and began to paint full time again.

Selected Group Exhibitions

1949 Royal Institute of Oil Painters
1949 Royal Society of British Artists
1950 Leicester Galleries, Wildenstein, Redfern Gallery
1951 Leicester Galleries, Wildenstein, Redfern Gallery
1952 Leicester Galleries, Redfern Gallery, Roland Browse & Delbanco
1953 Leicester Galleries, Beaux Arts
1954 Redfern Gallery, Zwemmer Gallery

1955 Leicester Galleries

Solo Exhibitions

1988 Pride Gallery. (A Retrospective 1949 - 1985)
1991 Galeria Ambiente Cero, Valencia, Spain
2009 Paisnel Gallery

2015 Paisnel Gallery